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Registered Charity 1182427

Conditions of Hire

The Hall is a volunteer run establishment, therefore we ask hirers to please read the conditions of hire below. Our main ask of all hirers is that they leave the hall in the condition they found it, this helps keep our village hall in a usable state and to keep it being used by the community and others. 


  • Hirers must be at least 18 years of age

  • If a booking is cancelled more than 6 weeks before an event, all payments will be refunded except a 10% administration charge. If a booking is cancelled within 6 weeks of the event, there will be no refund

  • The Hall is licensed by the local authority for 75 people sitting and 100 people standing. For most purposes this means that the maximium capacity is 75. As such, the hall's facilities are catered to 75. 

  • The event must leave enough time after finishing for everyone to be off the premises and the hall secure by the end of the hire session, and if in the evening, by midnight. 

  • Although we hope and expect that the £100 deposit required for events of more than one day will be returned in full, we reserve the right to withhold an amount if some conditions of hire are not fulfilled and/or additional costs are incurred by the Hall. This might include loss of booking fees if the hall or meadow is unusable outside of your booking.

Keeping the Hall Clean


We expect hirers to respect the building and to clear up and tidy at the end of a booking. 

We expect a certain amount of cleaning to be done, including obvious things like sweeping the floors and leaving the ovens and microwaves clean; and following instructions on the dishwasher. 

The end of hiring check list itemisies things to be done at the end of a booking. 

We expect the hall and the meadow to be left in a state that allows our cleaners to get on with their routine work without having to spend extra time sorting out things that would be reasonable to expect hirers to have done before leaving the hall. 

We appreciate your help with this as the hall is run entirely by volunteers. 



You should already know how to use the dishwasher, water boiler, refrigerators, cookers and freezer, where light switches are, and also where spare rubbish bags are kept. Please ask if you have any queries about the use of any of these items. 


We encourage potential hirers to come for a site visit, where these things are usually discussed and can be walked through how to use etc.  



The playing of amplified music outside the main hall and the letting off of fireworks or Chinese Lanterns anywhere on the site, including the meadow, are strictly forbidden. 

This condition is imposed to protect the meadow and surrounding grounds which are densely covered in trees, along with nearby thatched cottages, which make an unsuitable environment for releasing fireworks.


The Hall has a standard premises licence for entertainment and the playing of both recorded and live music. 

The Hall does not have a licence for selling alcoholic drinks. If you want to sell alcoholic drinks, you must obtain a TEN (Temporary Events Notice) from North Devon Council. You must apply and pay for the licence yourself, it is not included in your booking. 

Kitchen Facilities


The hall has some tablecloths which can be used by arrangement with one of the hall. You will be responsible for the laundering and return of these. The use of the hall’s crockery and cutlery is included in the hire charge although you will need to ensure all is put back in their correct places, as indicated in the kitchen, after being washed and dried.

Dealing with Rubbish


For small events, rubbish should be left in the black wheelie bins.

For major functions 5 blue rubbish sacks will be provided as part of your booking. should more be needed a further 5 sacks will be available at a charge of £5 per sack which will be deducted from the deposit. Any excess rubbish must be removed from the site. 

Recycling: we have recycling onsite, so please sort and clean when needed any glass, plastic, and other recyclables and leave separately from the general rubbish. 

Food waste should be disposed of in the green wheelie bin. 

Marquee in the Meadow


If you have requested that you want a marquee on the meadow, you will need to have discussed this with the hall and the arrangements for its erection and dismantling. Please be considerate of the local residents in terms of noise and timing of setting up activities. 

Car Park


The car park and overflow car park are privately owned and do not belong to the Hall. Please make sure you put a reasonable contribution for use of the car park into the honesty box at its entrance and ask your guests to do the same.

For Major Events, we generally advise that the hirer give a donation to the car park owner (information given on booking) to allow for its use during the event/function. 

If anyone wants to leave a car in the car park overnight, please ring the owner on 01271 864 257 in advance.

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